Long Life and Health
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Married People Live Longer: Here’s Why

There are many aspects of what it takes to live longer. One of the most obvious ones because of its strong impact is that of being married. Married people tend to live longer than those who are not married. Their longevity is an average of two years longer than unmarried people. 


The Social Aspect


Loneliness is one element that tends to shorten life. Single people, or even widowed individuals, often have more stress, which will increase inflammation. Inflammation causes many diseases, including cardiovascular disease, various cancers, arthritis, and some autoimmune diseases. 


Marriage provides a solution to loneliness – at least, it helps reduce it. A healthy relationship in marriage enables each partner to have a sense of belonging, allowing them to share their delights, troubles, dreams, sorrows, activities, and more with each other.


Married Men Live Longer


Although both men and women benefit from being married, men receive the greater benefit. Many studies reveal that married men live longer than single men, and they also live longer than men who are divorced or had a spouse who died. Men who stay married are also more likely to have greater longevity. 


The Health Benefits of Marriage


A marriage usually leads to changes in both spouses. Men may benefit more because the wife is more apt to bring healthier food options to the table than what most men tend to eat. Unmarried, divorced, men living alone often rely on quick meals such as fast food, processed foods, and snacks – all of which can shorten life when overused. Smoking and drinking may also enter the picture, which will also help to reduce the lifespan. 


One spouse may also encourage the other to exercise more if their spouse is slack to do so. Since it is easier to exercise with a spouse or friend and stick to it, marriage makes it more likely that healthy amounts of exercise will take place. 


Recovery After Medical Procedures


Another advantage of being married is that married people have better chances of recovery and survival than unmarried. Even though marriage does not seem to reduce the likelihood of cancer, it does impact the outcome. 


Married men, for instance, with prostate or bladder cancer, are much more apt to see a doctor in the early stages than someone who is not married. The difference resulted in married men living an average of 20 months or more after cancer treatment longer than a man who never married. 


Widowed and Divorced People Live Shorter Lives


Going through a divorce or having your spouse die are traumatic events. These events lead to increased stress, especially when people have been together for many years. Those who have gone through this stressful event often have less than ideal health afterward. The result is an earlier death than those who continue to remain married. 


Married People Need Healthy Relationships to See the Most Benefits


Marriage by itself does not always mean that there is a healthy relationship behind doors. Disagreements can lead to open or buried hostile feelings toward a spouse. It can increase stress, blood pressure, inflammation, and other health problems that can affect the health of those in that relationship. Where those situations exist, marital counseling can help reduce that stress and increase your longevity. 


No one should rush out and get married if you are currently single, but being tied in a committed relationship with a partner does have many benefits. It might also be mentioned that there are also financial benefits of marriage that singles do not have. The overall health benefits mean that married people should stay that way as long as possible to enjoy better health and greater longevity.

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