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Why Do We Hiccup?

Hiccups are involuntary contractions (spasms) of the diaphragm muscle, which is the muscle that separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity and plays a crucial role in breathing.

In the video below, an anatomy expert walks you through how a hiccup occurs in your body.

The exact cause of hiccups is poorly understood, but several known triggers can stimulate the diaphragm muscle and cause hiccups.

These triggers can include:

How Long Do Hiccups Last?

In most cases, hiccups are short-lived and go away independently within a few minutes to a few hours. However, in some cases, hiccups can last for longer periods, such as days, weeks, or even months.

If hiccups persist for more than 48 hours, it is known as persistent hiccups, and it may indicate an underlying medical condition.

Some causes of persistent hiccups can include nerve damage, gastrointestinal disorders, central nervous system disorders, or metabolic disorders.

If you are experiencing persistent hiccups,  seek medical attention to determine if there is an underlying cause.

Remedies for Hiccups

There are many home remedies and techniques that may help stop hiccups. Here are a few that you can try:

In a non-mainstream fashion, here are a few other odd ways other people have found to stop hiccups.

One man noticed his wife would say something hurtful to him, which stopped his hiccups.

Another person said he asked a friend to say “[Insert your first name], I command your hiccups to begone!” and has claimed his hiccups were gone!

These methods may not work for everyone.

If your hiccups persist for an extended period, or you experience other symptoms such as vomiting or chest pain, you should seek medical attention.

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