Long Life and Health
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CBD/Essential Oils

Baby with Cancer Helped by One Drop of CBD Oil

Did you know that CBD products are now completely legal across the United States? At first, the therapeutic value of Cannabidiol (KAN-ah-BID-ee-all) – CBD – was hotly contested by most mainstream medical doctors after patients reported it to be an effective non-psychoactive medicinal herbal treatment for cancer and inflammation.

CBD is one of 104 chemical components in the cannabis plant, a native weed common to many parts of America. It has no psychoactive properties and will not produce a “high” (elevated mood) like another chemical in cannabis, THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol).

These days, positive reports bordering on the miraculous continue to pour in from grateful parents whose children’s lives were saved by this humble plant extract.

In 2014, Philadelphia couple Brian and Danielle Dwyer noticed that their six-month-old son Waldo was having trouble seeing. Doctors diagnosed a rare form of eye cancer (retinoblastoma).

The prescribed chemotherapy made Waldo so sick (vomiting, sleeplessness, and difficulty in eating). Brian  said:

“Everything we had been growing to know of Waldo [and his personality] was disappearing.”

The worried parents began an earnest search for alternative treatments.

One of Brian’s friends recommended cannabis oil as an alternative treatment. Unfortunately, the substance was illegal for medical use in Pennsylvania until 2016.

Even so, the desperate couple booked a round-trip flight from Philly to California, purchased some legal CBD oil, and smuggled it back East.

After giving their son a tentative first dose, a drop the size of a grain of rice, within an hour, Waldo stopped vomiting. Both parents were dumbfounded – in a good way. Brian said:

“Before that, he was crying on the floor and had lockjaw.”

The Dwyers had consulted with a medical marijuana (MMJ) dispensary owner who provided instructions on dosing, networked the parents with others in a similar situation, and calmed their fears about the alternative therapy.

Even though CBD oil proved to be a positive remedy, the controversial treatment (which has been demonized in the press since it was introduced) upset Brian’s personal and business relationships.

Many patients (and parents) say CBD oil relieved multiple symptoms related to cancer and eased the severe side effects of cancer treatment that include nausea, vomiting, and pain.

Laboratory tests and animal studies demonstrated that CBD kills malignant tumors and can stop the spread of breast, brain, colon, lung, and prostate cancers.

CBD oil is produced by extracting the thick, sticky resin from marijuana plant flowers (called buds). The resin is further diluted with a carrier oil like hemp seed oil or coconut oil.

What’s truly amazing is that the human body is the only animal body we know that comes equipped with a specialized endocannabinoid system (ECS). Your ECS plays a part in managing several key bodily functions – including sleep, appetite, pain, and immune system response.

The ECS makes neurotransmitter endocannabinoids that bind to cannabinoid receptors in the central nervous system (CNS). Scientists report that CBD triggers endocannabinoid receptor activity, easing chronic pain and inflammation as it interacts with the body’s neurotransmitters.

As an added bonus, CBD has no addictive properties that many mainstream prescription drugs for cancer do.

No wonder so many adults and children are turning to CBD oil products as both curative and preventative treatment options.

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