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Doctor Issues Warning Over Urinating in the Shower

A doctor has taken to social media to issue an important warning to anyone who carries out the controversial habit of urinating in the shower.

In a video posted on Tiktok, Dr Alicia Jeffrey-Thomas – a pelvic floor expert – said the act can do more harm than good by ruining your healthy toilet habits.

She said: “We want to avoid training our bladder to associate certain signals with the urge to pee. In this case, peeing in the shower associates the sound of running water with urination or with submersion in water.

“This can often transition into being triggered by other sounds of running water (like when you’re running the faucet to wash your hands or the dishes) or when you’re in bodies of water.”

Dr Jeffrey-Thomas goes on to explain that other popular habits can impact the pelvic floor too, including “pushing out” your pee and hovering over the toilet.

Also on the list of poor peeing procedures is doing lots of kegel exercises without being evaluated by a pelvic floor specialist, and training your bladder to become weaker by using the bathroom “just in case”.

The expert told TikTok fans: “Normal time between trips to the bathroom is every three to four hours during the day but a minimum of two and ideally, you should not be getting up at night.”

For viewers who questioned her methods due to having children or for the many other reasons that have altered their bladder habits, Dr Alicia simply told them to trust her.

She said: “This is where bladder retraining and urge suppression techniques come into play.

“Bladder urgency is like a wave. We know that as your bladder steadily fills up, the intensity of the feeling of needing to go will increase more and more and more until we get to this peak but that wave will come back down and it will settle back down.

“The goal is to be able to use these techniques to kind of ride the wave so that we are not giving in at that high level of intensity to go.

“If you’re constantly giving in and going at the top of that wave, it’s training your body to send that really urgent signal more often, you’re perpetuating the cycle.”

Original Article: https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/doctor-issues-warning-over-urinating-24751922

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