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Food Health

Eat Dark Leafy Greens to Combat Memory Loss

A recent study shows selecting a healthier diet can help slow the effects of memory loss and dementia.

The primary ingredient in the diet has even reduced cognitive decline that has already taken place. The ingredient is flavonoids, and they can help improve cognitive function. 

When the study participants consumed one serving a day of dark leafy green vegetables – about a cup – it slowed the rate of cognitive decline by as much as 32 percent. The comparison was with those that did not regularly consume as many flavonols. 

The benefits of flavonoids in the study reveal that dementia and Alzheimer’s disease can be slowed – enabling people with memory issues or a dementia diagnosis to have a way to help stave off memory problems longer.

People that ate the highest level of flavonoids daily had 19% fewer problems with memory and cognition. 

The need for such discovery comes when many people suffer from cognitive impairment because of Covid-19. Besides problems from Covid, an aging population means that more and more people will be apt to develop some form of memory impairment and possibly dementia. Remember that dementia is not a normal part of aging. 

Some specific flavonoids have a bigger effect on memory and the brain than others.

They can affect several aspects of the brain, including the ability to store and retain memories, keep short-term memory working sharp, and help maintain the ability to learn fast.

The flavonoids that have the most effect on the brain are those found in fruit juices that contain flavanols, flavanones, and anthocyanins. The fruit that contains most of these ingredients includes blueberry, grape, pomegranate, and strawberry.

Pure flavonoids, such as epicatechin and quercetin, are also beneficial for improving memory. Blueberries and blackberries have the best effect on short-term memory. 

Several medical issues can also cause problems with memory.

If you have unexpected memory problems, you may want to visit a doctor for a checkup and mention the memory issues. Health issues may include thyroid problems, dehydration (which can result in the brain not getting enough blood), medications, sleep problems, a lack of exercise, and stress or depression.  

Flavonols, which are a type of flavonoid, also contain a lot of antioxidants. An antioxidant helps reduce the number of free radicals in the body, which increases inflammation. If the radicals (unstable molecules) are allowed to exist in your body in large quantities, they help cause many diseases – such as cancer. 

Different flavonols come in various fruits and vegetables, but getting as many as possible throughout the week is best for mental health. The four kinds include kaempferol, quercetin, myricetin, and isorhamnetin. 

Kaempferol can be found in beans, kale, spinach, tea, and broccoli. Quercetin has the highest concentrations in kale, tomatoes, tea, and apples. Myricetin comes in kale, oranges, tea, and tomatoes. Isorhamnetin is found in olive oil, tomato sauce, and pears. 

The recommendations for the best combination of flavonoids to protect your mind comes from eating at least one serving (one cup) per day.

It can be with more than one kind at a meal or spread throughout the day at different meals. 

Protecting cognitive function and keeping your mind from memory loss or dementia can enable you to live longer and have a better quality of life at the same time.

Eating more fruits and vegetables is an important key to making it happen. 

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