Long Life and Health
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Take Control of Your Diabetes

Diabetes is a word that most people are familiar with – but more people are developing the disease.

Most people, it seems, do not realize how serious it can be. Uncontrolled diabetes can seriously impact your overall health and ultimately decrease your longevity. 

Doctors have given a nickname to diabetes – the “silent killer.” It is not called this without reason. Much of the time – especially in the early development of the disease – you probably will not be aware that you have it. You will only notice symptoms after damage to your organs has begun. 

After being diagnosed with “pre-diabetes,” you may be tempted not to think much of it. After all, you are in the early stage of type 2 diabetes and may decide it is not serious yet. Even though it is not there yet – if something does not change – it could become serious soon. 

As soon as you learn you have the condition, start making lifestyle changes – particularly in your diet. A lack of control means damage is occurring to your organs: your kidneys, heart, eyes, brain, nerves, and blood vessels.

Without lifestyle changes, you are heading toward serious health problems. It means that it will reduce your longevity. Sooner or later, you will likely develop kidney disease, heart disease, retinopathy, and neuropathy. These health problems can lead to stroke, blindness, amputations (because wounds will not heal quickly) – and a shorter lifespan. 

The problems caused by diabetes are the result of too much sugar in the blood. The cause is that your body is not producing enough insulin to effectively permit the sugar to pass from your blood vessels into the tissues of your body. It is also possible that your body is not effectively using the insulin it produces.

If the sugar in your bloodstream remains high, you could develop diabetic ketoacidosis or go into a diabetic coma if it becomes too low.

Both situations could be fatal. 

One of the more common symptoms of diabetes is fatigue. It occurs because you are not getting enough energy from the food you eat – because the sugar is staying in your bloodstream. This situation would likely cause you to eat more – raising your blood sugar levels even higher. 

Besides fatigue, another symptom is frequent urination. It will become necessary for someone to urinate three or more times at night. Other diabetes symptoms may include excessive thirst, weight loss that is unexplained, and blurred vision. People with diabetes may also develop depression. 

Diabetes often affects the sex lives of both men and women. Men often develop problems with ED, and women have lowered sex drive and less lubrication. 

More than one in three adults has diabetes, and most do not know it. Taking steps to reduce your risk of diabetes can enable you to live a healthier and longer life. 

Conditions that lead to diabetes and often occur simultaneously are high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels – so these also must be controlled.

Low blood sugar levels can mean your brain and heart are getting less energy than needed to operate efficiently – which increases your risk of stroke or heart attack. 

Oftentimes, you may need medication to help control your blood sugar levels. For better control – and possibly even eliminating the need for medicine – get regular exercise, reduce stress, and start eating a healthy diet – with less sugar.

Better longevity is within reach – but you need to get started today.

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