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Aging Fitness Health Supplements Tim vs. Aging

Final Results of the 60 day Tim vs. Aging Project – Epigenetic Tests – Massive Success!

Yes, I know it has been a long time, but some of the epigenetic tests really take their time about showing results.

Did I meet the criteria of taking 10 years off of my life in only two months? Well, practically Yes! One of the tests says I am 9.1 years younger! Pretty damned good I would say. And there were many other fine results from other tests.

As you may have read from my other articles, I did four epigenetic style tests, one each before I started and one each after I completed the program. I also had a doctors check up before I started and another about one month after I finished.

Note that there may be some fluctuation and margins of error in these test, I don’t have enough data to say how much. Perhaps I will over time.

Here are the results:

Brand                Type       Before    After
Muhdo              saliva      63.9 to 61.5
TruMeLabs      saliva      64.7 to 55.6
Mydnage.com blood         70 to 71
Lifelength.us   blood          53 to 61
Doctor’s Bloodwork – Good! See below.

Muhdo – 2.5 years younger – I like the Muhdo test the best, because it provided the most information in the easiest possible form. I will likely use this test again.

Biological age 63.9 to 61.5 years
Eye Age 64.0 to 57.9
Hearing age -68.5 to 62.7
Memory age – 57.7 to 57.8
Inflammation score 414.0 to 423.0

So I am 2.5 years younger in the space of 2 months, my eyes are better, my hearing is better, my memory is about the same and my inflammation score is very slight worse.  Since then, I’ve adjusted slightly, hopefully my inflammation scores will go down.

TruMeLabs9.1 years younger – 64.7 to 55.6. This test has been around a while, and others have referenced it. Do I ACTUALLY believe I am 9 years younger? Let’s just say I’m very happy to be proven correct, but I will continue to collect data. I will likely keep using this test.

Mydnage.com – 1 year older – Their results say that I am in the bottom 1% of people my age. This is very out of whack with the other tests.  70 years old?? Put a bunch people my chron age in a room, see if ANY of them can kick my ass or do some of the things I can do!  Let them do a 4 mile run/walk trek or spend an hour with Trisha Cicero.

Also, it says that no improvements have been made, and in fact I am a bit worse after two month. If I believed this test, I would just give up. No, I don’t trust this test and I won’t be using this one in the future.

Lifelength.us – 8 years older – This test was for telomeres specifically, the most expensive of the tests I did. It was the biggest disappointment, since I had gone through the hyperbaric chamber test and done a great many things to improve my health. What could have possible happened to increase my age with respect to telomeres?

By the way, this is supposed to come with a consultation with a doctor. I only was able to do this the first time, the second time, there was no offer. The first doctor did not have a lot to explain and her English was a bit difficult. I send the link to the study I was emulating and asked if she could interpret the results of the test in comparison to the study, she couldn’t.

I don’t know why the results showed up like they did, but I see no way they could be correct. This was a gigantic waste of about $1000 (including payment for the blood draw). Needless to say, I will not be using this company again.

Incidentally, to support my decision to keep the two saliva tests and dump the blood test, here is an article that may be of interest.

My Doctor’s Bloodwork – I had bloodwork done just before I started, and then again about a month after I finished. The results were actually very good and rather dramatic!

My cholesterol was down substantially, from 270 to 220.

There was some imbalance with my liver, but that went away over the 60 days. My doctor did not elaborate, but is was clear in his mind that it was cause/effect.

As reported here,  there are a lot of other results with the Tim vs Aging Project.

I lost about 15 lbs (as of the date of this writing, I’m down about 25lbs in total).

My endurance is MUCH higher, thanks to Trisha and her workouts. The increase in “plank” endurance was measurable, but my ability to do martial arts style kicks is dramatic in both technique and volume.

My weightlifting was seriously enhanced. While was not as rigorous in the measurements as I could have been, I went from not maxing out to maxing out the machines I was using.

My flexibility was substantially improved, to the point where I can easily touch my toes and curl my hands under my feet.

An update on my knee. If you read my preliminary results article, I noted that my knee had developed an ache. I mentioned this to my doctor thinking I might need a knee operation of some kind since I could feel things moving I thought ought not to move.

My doctor expressed some reluctance, and said that sometimes the knee can ache because the muscles are not in balance and the stronger ones are pulling things out of alignment. While he did not deliver on his promise of knee therapy methods, I took this seriously. At my gym, LA Fitness, I tried all of the machines. I felt a bit of a twinge on a couple of them and decided to add them to my routine.

Long story short, my knee is perfect now, 100%. I truly believed there was damage there, but it truly feels great.

Tim vs.Aging in 60 Days as I see it was an unqualified success. Even though some parts were not as expected (nor did I expect to meet 100% of my expectations…), I feel better, I look better and the tests that I trust say that I am indeed epigenetically younger.

I look forward to hearing from anyone who is willing to duplicate this, and I am happy to help!


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