Long Life and Health
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Melt Away Stubborn Belly Fat With Smoothies!

Ditch the sugary sodas and juices and drink this if you want to reach your weight loss goals.

We all know that eating right is the key to losing weight and maintaining good health. But what about drinking, right? Too many Americans are letting the calorie they consume by drinking get in the way of losing weight.  

But there are better ways to drink; in fact, according to certified dietician, Courtney D’Angelo, MS, RD, there are specific things you should drink that can help melt away belly fat.

One of the best? A high-protein drink like a protein shake or smoothie. 

D’Angelo says that protein serves a number of different roles in losing visceral fat. “For one, protein drinks can promote fullness and curb hunger, which is always important when trying to burn fat.” 

The Journal of Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome found that high-protein diets were directly associated with fat loss because of the satiety signaling that it helps increase. And not only that, but protein also helps to boost your metabolism through muscle gain.

“Our muscles are metabolically active, which means that the more muscles we have, the faster your metabolism, which results in burning more fat throughout the body and abdominal area,” says D’Angelo. Because of this, protein-heavy drinks are helpful in building lean muscle while burning belly fat as well.

When it comes to choosing a protein powder for making your shake or smoothie, there are a few things to keep in mind. You’ll first want to make sure the manufacturer is a reputable or name brand that uses good quality control and third-party testing. This will help you rest assured that you’re consuming a safe product.

Another thing you may want to look for is a brand that is sugar-free or low in added sugar, which will help you stick to your weight loss goals.

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