Today is an off day from intense exercise sessions, only stretching, plus the supplements, skin cream, HBOT.
But I do feel a bit crappy.
I had mentioned little or no soreness from last week’s weight training so I upped it a bit on Monday. And of course, I tried to push it last night with Trisha’s MMA training.
So the good news is now I have successfully returned to weight training pain and combined it with the second-day fatigue of the MMA session. If you remember, I was traveling on Sunday so weight training and MMA were on consecutive days.
So yes, I feel crappy, but it’s a GOOD crappy.
I have run into some criticism about my hyperbaric chamber, and how it is not a “medical grade” chamber and therefore is useless. My answer there that I have a master’s degree in engineering and I don’t see where “medical grade” pressure and oxygen are different from what I am getting. And I’m not paying $200 per session to get there.
But I admit there is a point. A medical-grade hyperbaric chamber can provide the two atmospheres of pressure cited in the study I am using. Mine only goes to 1.3 which is the highest you can buy without a prescription. Plus the medical-grade units purportedly provide 100% oxygen, where mine promises 90%.
But this is a necessary test. Can I achieve substantial results with what I have? While medical-grade chambers are easily available to researchers, they just not that accessible to the average joe. If I can get just an inkling of a result with my test, then the technique is open to a whole lot of folks.
The other problem is that many respected opinions are that the experiments done with hyperbaric are either sloppy or incomplete or the results are only temporary. That was the criticism of the original study I referenced as a test, apparently the length of telomeres in the blood (where the results were measured) is highly variable, and benefits could disappear very quickly. I don’t know. But I will keep at it.
Fortunately, you have me to do the tests for you, and I am VERY scientific!!
Here is an article you can peruse on the topic:
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy extends life, the telomeres, and everything
As for my nemesis former UFC Champion Andre Arlovsky, I’m on track and I’m coming for you!!!
Tim vs. Aging – T minus 8 days – Choosing the Epigenetic Test
Tim vs. Aging – T minus 4 days – Stretching and Weightlifting
Tim vs Aging – Day 8 – Anyone want to knock 20 years off of their biological age?
Tim vs Aging – Day 11 – Some Baseline Data, and Maintaining Consistency
Tim vs Aging – Day 12 – Over the First Hump, plus Do Bodybuilders Die Sooner?
Tim vs Aging – Day 13 – Fasting Day, Ketosis Explained, plus What the Heck is a Niacin Flush?
Tim vs Aging – Day 17 – No Weight Soreness, Gotta Have Pudding! – Develop Your Support System
Tim vs Aging – Day 18 – Torture by Trisha, Support Systems (cont.)
Tim vs Aging – Day 19 – Fasting Day, and Bacteria to Lose Weight
Tim vs Aging – Day 20 – Torture, but not too bad – plus a Cult progeny that is Good For You!
Tim vs Aging – Day 21 – Travel Day Screws the Schedule. And I am Officially Young Again!!!
Tim vs Aging – Day 22 – Still Traveling. Let’s talk about ‘Caloric Restriction’
Tim vs Aging – Day 23 – Travel Second Day – Plus Transhumans and Cutting Edge Biotech
Tim vs Aging – Day 24 -Travel Third Day – plus Potential for Brain Cell Repair
Tim vs Aging – Day 25 – Homebound – Makeup for lost time – lost weight – Oysters!!
Tim vs Aging – Day 26 – MMA workout – plus Hair Color Restoration?
Tim vs Aging – Day 27 – A Bit Sore – plus Criticism of the Hyberbaric Chamber Strategy
Tim vs Aging – Day 28 – Fasting – plus Will Immortality Lead to Overpopulation?
Tim vs Aging – Day 29 – Fasting is easy – plus Why Don’t People Exercise???
Tim vs Aging – Day 30 – Half Way There! Some Subjective Results
Tim vs Aging – Day 31 – Minor Schedule Break – plus Extending Life with Stem Cells