I feel good, my weightlifting session went well. All is basically on track (slight overshoot on my calorie budget, but I was way under yesterday).
Why does Monday suck? Because my air conditioner went out last night. I live in South Florida and we are nearing summertime. So it is about 90 degrees inside during the day, falling to 85 at night. Plus… have any of you guys done the pressure experiments in high school or college with regard to temperature? Well, take my word for it, those principles work against you in a hyperbaric chamber. It was 90 minutes in a sauna, hot, sweaty and very uncomfortable. I just hope it helped take some weight off. Looks like another rough night tonight, since the A/C guy can’t make it until tomorrow.
Now for the question: Should you eat “processed” foods?
It’s a trick question.
Foods are “processed” in hundreds or thousands of different ways. Here is the same sentiment expressed by Scientific American regarding meats. Note that she doesn’t even try to defend the term.
There are no set definitions, there are no chemical reactions in common to all “processed foods” and nothing inherently wrong with processing foods. In fact, I would venture a guess that in most cases, “processing” means an improvement of some kind, making the food last longer in storage, or making it safer in some way.
For example, how about those soybeans, which you see in soy sauce, soy-burgers, tofu and a whole lot more foods that you might regard as health foods? Did you know that in their “natural” state they are a deadly poison? I remember a story from the farm long ago, that a farmer fed unprocessed soybeans to his cows and killed 20 of them.
The word “processed” is used by people with an agenda. It may be to sell you “natural” foods or to support some kind of health agenda. I recently saw a scientific paper with the term “processed food” in a comparison study. In my opinion, this was a fraudulent study.
In fact, any study that uses “processed foods” without referring to a particular chemical reaction or processing byproduct is not doing research, they are trying to sell you something. This is fraud, not science.
Enough of the B.S.
Tim vs. Aging – T minus 8 days – Choosing the Epigenetic Test
Tim vs. Aging – T minus 4 days – Stretching and Weightlifting
Tim vs Aging – Day 8 – Anyone want to knock 20 years off of their biological age?
Tim vs Aging – Day 11 – Some Baseline Data, and Maintaining Consistency
Tim vs Aging – Day 12 – Over the First Hump, plus Do Bodybuilders Die Sooner?
Tim vs Aging – Day 13 – Fasting Day, Ketosis Explained, plus What the Heck is a Niacin Flush?
Tim vs Aging – Day 17 – No Weight Soreness, Gotta Have Pudding! – Develop Your Support System
Tim vs Aging – Day 18 – Torture by Trisha, Support Systems (cont.)
Tim vs Aging – Day 19 – Fasting Day, and Bacteria to Lose Weight
Tim vs Aging – Day 20 – Torture, but not too bad – plus a Cult progeny that is Good For You!
Tim vs Aging – Day 21 – Travel Day Screws the Schedule. And I am Officially Young Again!!!
Tim vs Aging – Day 22 – Still Traveling. Let’s talk about ‘Caloric Restriction’
Tim vs Aging – Day 23 – Travel Second Day – Plus Transhumans and Cutting Edge Biotech
Tim vs Aging – Day 24 -Travel Third Day – plus Potential for Brain Cell Repair
Tim vs Aging – Day 25 – Homebound – Makeup for lost time – lost weight – Oysters!!
Tim vs Aging – Day 26 – MMA workout – plus Hair Color Restoration?
Tim vs Aging – Day 27 – A Bit Sore – plus Criticism of the Hyberbaric Chamber Strategy
Tim vs Aging – Day 28 – Fasting – plus Will Immortality Lead to Overpopulation?
Tim vs Aging – Day 29 – Fasting is easy – plus Why Don’t People Exercise???
Tim vs Aging – Day 30 – Half Way There! Some Subjective Results
Tim vs Aging – Day 31 – Minor Schedule Break – plus Extending Life with Stem Cells
Tim vs Aging – Day 32 – All is Normal – plus Fish Oil, good or not?
Tim vs Aging – Day 33 – Feeling my Oats! Relief from Muscle Pain, Disappointed in Tae Kwon Do
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